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#1 Anna Deeter

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Отправлено 05 July 2012 - 10:10

As a speech and language therapist with over 30 years of experience in the field of communication disorders in both Russia and USA, I have always wondered why there is so much written on the subject, and yet so little known about stuttering! Why is it that even though there are so many traditional and non-traditional methods being used today on a worldwide basis to address stuttering, none of them can promise ELIMINATION OF this debilitating condition! Why do 99.9% of all programs available today claim the same: “THERE IS NO CURE FOR STUTTERING”?
After I moved to the USA from Russia in 1998 and first learned about the way speech professionals treated stuttering in this country, my immediate reaction was a big surprise. I remember discovering the difference for myself; and, then telling everybody: “If in Russia we, speech professionals, are trying to find ways to ELIMINATE stuttering, why is it here, in the states, that the focus is not on curing the condition, but simply to teach those affected with the condition HOW TO LIVE with it!” I then began to wonder: Why is this so?
While I was working as a speech and language pathologist for various California school districts and treated many students who stutter, this big “WHY?” question would constantly remain in the back of my mind; until, I finally realized one day that finding the answer to it and the answer to “HOW” to permanently cure stuttering would have to become my life’s mission!
Last year (in 2011), because of budget cuts in California’s economy, the small school district that I had been working for (for the last two years), had to let me go. I was sad to leave the secure job at first, but then, I realized that it was the best thing that could happen to me as a speech professional! That was the time when I decided to begin my intensive and worldwide “stuttering search”! I was determined to find the answer to my big questions!
So, after having searched every program around the world available in the English language and not finding anything useful, I switched to continuing with my investigation in the Russian language… And that is when the miracle happened: I stumbled on the name of a Russian professor Roman Alekseevich Snezhko.
I remember being EXTREMELY skeptical when I first read his bold claim about ELIMINATION of any form of disfluency in 3 days instantly and permanently. “This could not be true! – I thought. – How could something so complicated and so difficult to deal with be eliminated in 3 days?” I was sure that it had to be a big fat scam!!!!
However, keeping an open mind, I continued reading about the method and watching close to 50 “Before and After” YouTube video reports (in Russian) about the stunning results of the miraculous ELIMINATION of stuttering in Russian-speaking individuals. My professional curiosity and common sense would not allow me to simply move on and forget about this amazing SCIENTIFIC discovery!
Finally, I became hooked on the “simplicity” and “logic” of this NEW APPROACH towards stuttering as I learned that it was purely based on the practical laws of nature.
After getting in touch with Roman Snezhko and getting to know him over our countless Skype conversations, I ended up becoming his humble student, and was finally able to answer my 2 big questions.
Yes, finding a real and permanent cure for stuttering is NOT in the best interests of a corporate world of such “authorities” as psychologists, speech professionals, doctors, healers, coaches etc. who benefit financially from the ongoing treatment of this condition! And having an ongoing lifelong patient provides a sense of power and control for the professional that can become intoxicating.
Even though most of them have entered their professional field for the right reason, which is they WANT to HELP PWS GENUINELY; however, in order to challenge the core of the belief “what stuttering is” and realize that something is not right, requires a lot of strengths, experience, and ability to THINK/STEP OUTSIDE OF THE BOX.
Because the causal beliefs and treatment of stuttering have remained relatively constant for hundreds of years, nearly all professionals in this field to this day still believe that stuttering is a disease; and, that there are still some abnormalities within the “physical body” of people who stutter which cause them to stutter. Everything they have done – from their statistical research, brain studies, etc. to their logical conclusions, - has been based on these false premises. They are either not aware of or simply ignore/discredit (for the reasons stated above) the new scientific research done in Russia since 1998.
Since my exposure to the truth about being able to cure stuttering, my next big questions have begun taking a different shape.
I have started to wonder:
(1) WHY is it that there has not been at least ONE OTHER SPEECH PROFESSIONAL in the USA/Europe (except myself) who would KNOW about Roman Snezhko’s discovery – that has been available for 14 years?And,
(2) Why would even Russian speech therapists and psychologists not notice and admit an amazing success of the program? Why does it seem that nobody cares or even wants to study further the hundreds of positive testimonials of former stutters and dozens of YouTube video reports about the 3-day ELIMINATION OF STUTTERING?
The only logical answer to all of these questions is that stuttering is a BIG POLITICAL & ECONOMIC ISSUE within the psychological field and stuttering community of professionals.
For the true answer(s): ALWAYS FOLLOW THE MONEY TRAIL!!! Supporting the belief of IN-CURABILITY of this condition is the main goal for those people and companies who make initial and ongoing profits from the people who stutter. Sadly, each time after stutterers fail to succeed in one stuttering program, they begin looking for another one; each time they try out a new pharmaceutical drug with no results, they search for another “magic pill”, and every next “remedy” they experiment with requires them to continue to keep investing their hard earned monies in the next alternative solution! And so, on and on the process goes continuing to benefit the professionals and companies who thrive on this ongoing business (as there are over 60 million stutterers worldwide, and over 4 million stutterers in the U.S. alone) to the sad detriment of those afflicted with this condition.
It is time for this unproductive and repetitive cycle,

which takes advantage of people, to END!

Anna Deeter, Speech Therapist
After centuries of mankind’s unsuccessful battle with stuttering, there is finally an answer to this problem and a way to eliminate stuttering permanently.
Russian professor Roman Snezhko has researched and challenged the causes & nature of stuttering; and has henceforth been able to develop an innovative and unique SPEECH EDUCATION Program called “ETALON” (THE MODEL) – to naturally, instantly and permanently eliminate stuttering.
For the first time ever, this can be done without tedious speech exercises or medication, in just three (3) days of continuous effort! No matter how severe or complex the stuttering is, its elimination is 100% guaranteed!
People who stutter will have the opportunity to overcome their stuttering, logo-neurosis, and fears of speech forever in the comfort of their home!
No medical treatment or prescriptions are needed – simply because stuttering is not a disease! According to Snezhko’s theory, the very term “stuttering” is incorrect and should be avoided because it does not explain the real causes of the speech problem or the symptoms displayed by a stuttering individual.
Snezhko’s breakthrough method helps, in just a few days, to restore speech skills and thinking abilities in people who stutter. This innovative breakthrough and unique resonance-tuning technique teaches people with stuttering conditions how to speak with the same confidence and precision that is inherent in their writing skills – without hesitation, spastic stupor, or fears!
To learn more about how you, a friend, or a loved one can learn more about this amazing program of being able to permanently cure stuttering in three (3) days, please CLICK HERE: www.livestutterfree.com
As a speech and language therapist specializing in permanently curing the condition of stuttering, I am fully trained and licensed by Professor Snezhko in the administration and application of this breakthrough technique.
Together, we can Permanently CURE STUTTERING for YOU, A Friend, or A Loved One once and for all!

Anna Deeter, Speech Therapist


This entry was posted in Empower Network, Speech Impediments
Tags: 3-day class, cure for stuttering, eliminate, scientific research, sound, Speech, stutterers, stuttering, traditional approach

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